Bad Dental Habits to Leave Behind

Bad Dental Habits to Leave Behind

Posted by Rio Rancho Family Dental Care on Dec 17 2022, 03:44 AM

While some of the habits may seem harmless, they can quickly cause damage to our oral health. Listed below are a few bad habits that can ruin our oral health.

  • Nail Biting

During the night, as you toss and turn in bed and can’t sleep, you might wind up chewing on your fingernails. This bad habit can also lead to mouth infections. One way to stop this from happening is to apply a bitter-tasting polish to your nails; then, when you bite your nails, you’ll taste the bitter taste and be less likely to continue. You can also try wearing gloves to bed to prevent yourself from gnawing on your fingernails. 

  • Smoking

Smokers are more likely to develop oral cancers than other individuals. They are also at a higher risk of gum disease and tooth loss than non-smokers. People who smoke are also more likely to have staining on their teeth and yellowed enamel. Studies show that smokers are more likely to lose a tooth due to periodontal disease than non-smokers.

  • Aggressive Brushing

Sometimes people brush their teeth so hard that it causes damage to their gums and enamel. What’s worse is that it can even cause gum recession. Teeth are not supposed to touch each other, so rough or aggressive tooth brushing could easily lead to gum erosion and recession. The friction from brushing too hard can cause gums to pull away from the teeth and expose the sensitive roots underneath. 

  • Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is a common habit in people that causes the clenching of the jaw and grinding of teeth while sleeping. Unlike other habits such as nail-biting or smoking, bruxism often occurs subconsciously; the person is not aware of it until severe symptoms develop. Once that occurs, however, it becomes necessary to visit the dentist for dental treatments like a night guard to protect the teeth. The enamel can be worn down over time by bruxism and lead to other oral health concerns, including tooth loss. Fortunately, we can protect your teeth from damage through night guards and other treatment options available at our dental clinic.

  • Not Visiting The Dentist Regularly

Not seeing the dentist on a regular basis can lead to severe oral damage and even tooth loss. When patients avoid their appointments, they are putting themselves at risk for gum disease and cavities. Good oral health depends on routine visits for cleanings, x-rays, fillings, and other preventive services. With regular visits to your dentist, you can prevent serious oral health issues and enjoy a healthy smile for life. 

Find out more about oral health by scheduling an appointment at the Rio Rancho Family Dental Care clinic. Call us at (505) 891-4510 or drop in at our dental office, located at 4041 Ridge Rock Rd SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124. 

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