Root Canal

Root canal infections affect the dental pulp, which includes the nerves and blood vessels essential for tooth development. These infections, caused by oral bacteria entering the root canal, can lead to pain and tooth damage. Discover how Rio Rancho Family Dental Care’s experts can treat root canal infections and save your natural tooth.

What Are the Symptoms of a Root Canal Infection?

  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • Severe pain and discomfort when biting or chewing food, brushing your teeth, etc.
  • Loosening of the tooth from its socket
  • Discharge of pus
  • Bleeding gums
  • Jawbone deterioration

What Are the Causes of Root Canal Infections?

  • Cavities – Deep cavities can reach the root canal and infect the dental pulp.
  • Damaged teeth – External trauma can cause teeth to break, chip, or crack, allowing harmful bacteria to enter the root canal.
  • Gum disease – The infection can spread from the gums to the jawbone or tooth roots, eventually entering the root canal and infecting the pulp.

How Is a Root Canal Infection Treated?

During your first visit, our dentists will diagnose and plan treatment. Minor infections may be treated with medication. Severe infections need root canal therapy.

In a root canal, local anesthesia is used, the decayed pulp is removed, the cavity is cleaned, medicated, and sealed.

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